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2024 AGO Certification Exam Repertoire - Service Playing

American Guild of Organists
Professional Certification Repertoire - Service Playing

See AGO web site for the latest details for how to select specific repertoire from each GROUP.

Service Playing Certificate Test Practical Work Repertoire

Service Playing Repertoire Groups A, B, C are listed below.

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Each Title
Title - Composer - Publisher - Publ Cat #
   Group A
Orgelbuchlein (organ) - Bach, Johann Sebastian - Concordia 975774 OhioStock: 1 USD $65.00 (20% disc may apply)(*)
Organ Works, Vol.1 (Orgelbuchlein, Schubler Chorales, Chorale Partitas) revised - Bach, Johann Sebastian - Barenreiter BA05261 OhioStock: 1 USD $34.00 (20% disc may apply)(*)
Organ Works, Vol. 7 (Orgelbuchlein) - Bach, Johann Sebastian - Breitkopf EB8807 USD $27.00 (20% disc may apply)(*)
   Please choose which edition
8 Little Preludes and Fugues (organ) - Bach, Johann Sebastian - Leupold WL600024 USD $28.00(*)
Eight Short Preludes and Fugues (organ) - Bach, Johann Sebastian - Barenreiter BA06497 OhioStock: 1 USD $17.50 (20% disc may apply)(*)
Samtliche Orgelwerke, Band III - Buxtehude, Dietrich - Breitkopf EB6663 OhioStock: 1 USD $37.50 (20% disc may apply)(*)
Samtliche Orgelwerke, Band IV - Buxtehude, Dietrich - Breitkopf EB6664 OhioStock: 1 USD $37.50 (20% disc may apply)(*)
   Group B
Organ Works, Vol. 4 (Organ Sonatas) - Mendelssohn, Felix - Hal Leonard 14007358 USD $59.95 (20% disc may apply)(*)
Organ Works, Vol. 2 - Mendelssohn, Felix - Barenreiter BA08197 USD $31.00 (20% disc may apply)(*)
Vingt-quatre Pieces en libre style, Vol. 2 (organ) - Vierne, Louis - Hal Leonard 50562200 OhioStock: 1 USD $28.95 (20% disc may apply)(*)
Le Tombeau de Titelouze, Op. 38 (organ) - Dupre, Marcel - Hal Leonard 48184701 OhioStock: 2 USD $41.30 (20% disc may apply)(*)
12 Choral Preludes on Gregorian Chant (organ) - Demessieux, Jeanne - Alfred 0603 OhioStock: 4 USD $6.95 (20% disc may apply)(*)
Three Short Pieces for Organ - Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel - Hal Leonard 14007134 USD $12.95(*)
God of Grace (organ) - Manz, Paul - Canticle Dis 10-599 OhioStock: 1 USD $28.00 (20% disc may apply)(*)
Short Works for Organ - Price, Florence - Classical Voca CN24 OhioStock: 3 USD $30.00 (20% disc may apply)(*)
A Leighton Organ Album - Leighton, Kenneth - Oxford 9780193222922 USD $23.25 (20% disc may apply)(*)
Glad Praises We Sing (organ) - Phillips, Craig - Selah 160-814 OhioStock: 1 USD $16.00 (20% disc may apply)(*)
Organ Music, Vol. VI - Sandresky, Margaret Vardell - Leupold WL600167 USD $26.50(*)
A Medieval Carol Celebration (organ) - Powell, Robert - Leupold WL600128 USD $18.50(*)
   Choral Music: St. James Music Press titles found on the AGO Website
Sussex Carol (SATB/organ) - Willcocks, David - Oxford 9780193851160 USD $2.85 (20% disc may apply)(*)
Old 100th Psalm Tune (SATB/organ/brass) - Vaughan Williams, Ralph - Oxford 9780193535084 USD $3.25 (20% disc may apply)(*)
Day By Day (SSA/organ) - How, Martin - GIA G-4178 USD $2.20 (20% disc may apply)(*)

(*) Prices subject to change

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